Energy stations for dialysis patients

Zeilen Van Vrijheid

POWERUP! mission

POWERUP! mission

We are buying time for renal transplant patients in waiting line with portable power stations for blackouts.

We are buying time for renal transplant patients in waiting line with portable power stations for blackouts.

Charging complete

We covered 33% of Ukrainian patients nationwide

Charging complete

We covered 33% of Ukrainian patients nationwide

Charging complete

We covered 33% of Ukrainian patients nationwide

Who you helped

Fifty five people in total

Pani nina

Age 35, lives in Stare Selo in Sarnensky District

Pan Vitaly

Age 47, lives in Rivne

Pani MariIa

Age 58

Pan serhii

Age 51, lives in Berestivka village in Varasky district

Pani Maryana

Age 53

Pan Anatolii

Lives in Vesnyanka

Pani Illa

Lives in Kamyanets-Podilskiy




Imagine needing a new organ transplant. To secure your spot, you must remain near the hospital, or you'll lose your chance for the operation. But there's a bigger problem: to survive while you wait, you need a device to clean your blood, and this device needs steady electricity for nine hours every day. What if the power keeps going off?

This is the reality for over 200 people in Ukraine who need automated home peritoneal dialysis every day, we have helped some of them last year, and we intend to help about another hundred of them.

Their home dialysis machines need an uninterrupted power supply. If the electricity goes off, the consequences could be catastrophic.

That's where our campaign, POWERUP!, comes in. We want to give these people portable power stations. With your help, we can make sure their treatment continues without danger. Together, we can help them live.

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